Saturday, 9 February 2013

Week 1: The set up

It seems that, I tend to divide any space I am given into areas, which evolve and form themselves almost remotely. However, regardless of the spatial dimensions of this designated sum of areas, historically, it has never been enough, as the "work splatters" grow and expand, like "good-natured" bacteria. Nevertheless, some areas that form themselves so far, include:

Pockets of "Inspiration Areas"
The inspiration areas- which are subject to frequent changes and updates. The main purpose here is visual simulations, mostly sketches (combination of own and borrowed work), test concepts, diagrammatic and schematic representations of anything relevant and not so.

The "working surface"
The working surface is an open platform for first "dip" information sequences: everything is welcome on this surface without any discrimination. This area is where the precisely organised "chaotic" distribution of information, based on visual and textual inputs, spreads out.

The "Action floor"
Lastly the action floor, which simply is the use of the physical floor space; despites my love for all things digital, I take huge importance in being on the floor, being grounded, away from the computer screen. My definition of archaic "bigger picture" is simple: work on the floor, have physical distance between yourself and the subject. Lying down on the floor is another way of both maintaining the essential close proximity, but also having the totally relaxed state of body and mind to be able to decode the surrounding information.
I anticipate "natural formations" of more areas, as the process evolves.

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