I never underestimate the importance of well thought through strategy in any of my endeavours, even if it is for something relatively trivial.
Here are some short (weeks) and long (months) term strategies, that I have put together to organize my thought process and to assist me with further directions.
Below are some explorations (in their rudimentary state) towards the subject, the hypothesis, sub-themes, hints of potential frameworks and other stuff which does not fit anywhere else yet:
...............................Topic Description attempts.........................
... analogue-digital hybrids explorations on the landscape of Shikahogh
...analogue craftsmanship techniques of Shikahogh re-invented in digital era
...modern machines decoding the scripts of prehistoric stone masons of Shikahogh
...the integration of Shikahogh's ancient carving techniques into contemporary digital fabrication methods
...history forgotten.. or not? A 3000 year old carving techniques of Shikahogh giving birth to new digital fabrication application
..............................main hypothesis sketch.....................
...the study and "rehabilitation" of old rock cutting and stone carving methods of old Shikahogh; how can these techniques be embedded into computational design and digital fabrication techniques
...the old techniques inspiring new horizons for the development of agricultural infrastructure
...locally sourced architectural installations boosting the declining agricultural system in Shikahogh
(here I can't help but to visualize one of the pinnacles of technological advancements - a wind turbine, standing mightily in the middle of a serene landscape..a profoundly beautiful dialog between the subjects of nature and the machine working together as a unity ..)
Ghostpine farm by Alberta Foothills |
...hence, ideally this architectural fabric, this infrastructure of whatever it may end up becoming, evolving and finally materializing itself in Shikahogh, will not only solve some of the agricultural or other impediments of the village, but also represent a new hope for the declining population of Shikahogh with its physicality, its tactility and its posture.
..................................Sub themes..............................
... are mostly components of the short term strategy
... historical maps of Armenia, revealing the territorial arrangements with Roman, Ottoman and Persian empires, that could have impacted the evolution of the crafts and styles
...trading routes-revealing influences of variety of styles, including literature, music etc as well as displacement and export-import of materials used in crafts and architecture
... the natural resources: what was available then and now?
...why are people abandoning their homeland of Shikahogh? the importance of the concept of BELONGING...
...the carving as a manifestation of struggle, war, ode, religion, faith, hope and other esoteric clusters- essentially "cause and effect" bubble
...the physical act of making, the object and the objector; prototypes, testing, trials, field trips
... Armenian diaspora - the migrated traditions
...................Some questions.............
...is there a tangent scope to this rock cutting/stone carving technique that can be explored within the digital realm? and what physical evidence is available in terms of monuments as well as stone masons today
...how can this technique be integrated into modern fabrication techniques?
...how will this "hybrid" manifest itself and impact the livelihood of villagers?
...will this newly implemented infrastructure be an improvement or an original solution for an existing systems of agriculture, watering etc or will it be an allegoric inspiration source? or both?
...who will be involved? villagers, Armenian students of various disciplines, governmental organisations, private sponsors etc?
..............Theoretical framework............
... I have an interesting combination of highly under-researched area (the old crafting technique) and an emerging technology with limited number of well-established theoretical framework (digital fabrication)
...in essence, therefore, my potentially "problem solving" research will unwrap itself as a reflective, active process with a constant feedback loop